Enrollees may complete online or in person one or more of six sequential courses corresponding to the six class levels that make up the entire syllabus as codified by Vera Kostrovitskaya. While course work is ambitious, eligibility requirements are accommodating, as interest and dedication are paramount. CDA courses offered must be taken in sequence, regardless of prior experience.
A CDA Certificate of Completion is awarded for successful completion of each class level in an established number of hours, which varies with the course taken. Courses may be taken and Certificates earned with or without examination. Optional examination is given on a specified date for a nominal fee. A CID Certificate valid worldwide is issued on completion of 150 course hours. A full diploma, or CDA Certificate of Graduation, is conferred for successful completion of all six class levels with examination.
By means of proven pedagogy, exactly what should be taught when and how is clearly and concretely conveyed using precise ballet vocabulary. Poses and movements are analyzed in thorough detail, including what music is appropriate for each exercise. Manuals received become a reference later to help plan daily lessons and the progression of your students’ training. The "method of teaching classical ballet" is a systematic process that arms teachers with the tools necessary to help students develop properly, avoid injury, attain mastery. Artistry is realized through technical proficiency.
Each level is broken down by month and/or quarter for your own teaching purposes
Participants receive a CDA-proprietary teacher's manual for each level
Session format is interactive for best understanding and retention by participants
Material is covered progressively, just as it is designed to be taught to students
Sample lessons are provided and exercises reviewed with appropriate music
Educators may apply learnings from completed courses immediately to their work
Individual coaching, follow-up tutoring and “refreshing” are available
Courses are taught by Janet L Springer and/or other pedagogical specialists
No other pedagogical program is more rigorous or comprehensive than the six-level course of study offered by CDA. No detail is overlooked. Every pose and movement is covered with absolute precision. That translates into better outcomes in your ballet studio.